Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Came Upon A Fork In The "Blog-Road"

I am at a dilemma. I don't know which topic i should write about. Should i write about the escapades of a certain Dennis the Baker? Should I try delving into the mystery of the "Pare Ko" Syndrome? Or should I write about the existence of a quasi-Johnny Bravo in our midst? Well, you can help me decide by voting in the poll. You can also leave a comment, or a short message in the cbox if you want to add another topic to the list.

p.s. boring topics will be rejected right off the bat


Anonymous said...

why don't u write about bernalie instead?!it won't be that hard recounting all the details...bwahahahahhaa!

Anonymous said...

i will.. in due time.. chos!.. hey! i'm trying to be selfless here.. you're the ones who are getting all the attention.. people are reading about you.. take advantage.. this is your time to shine..

Anonymous said...

I guess the adventure of dennis d baker is the most exciting. Hope u would be able to come up with an exact account. Please go into details. Go spill d beans! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

m tired of getting all the attention... m tired of being in the limelight all the time... they should know more bout u... selfless my ass!hahahaha